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Writer's pictureOn Purpose

Your Focus Determines Your Future

I love it when I go on a getaway trip with my husband, Pat. He loves his naps and early bedtimes, and I enjoy spending time with God in the stillness of the afternoon or late evening (see Psalm 46:10).

The change of environment and not having to go to work,always provides an atmosphere for me to hear God with fresh clarity. I eagerly anticipate these quiet times in His presence that brings a refreshed and renewed heart (see Psalm 42:1-2).  My faith gets recharged as He restores by soul (see Matthew 11:29)and I am empowered with the discovery of new potential, passion and purpose.

As I stood last night on the 22nd floor of the hotel room lookingout to the expanse of the coastline, ocean and land, God stirred in my heart that He wants to give me a fresh perspective from His vantage point. From this height, I was able to imagine the possibilities and gain a clarity of an expanded vision (see 1 Chronicles 4:10).

God is always there, staying close to you and me. He is always leading and guiding us along the best pathway for our life. (See Psalm 32:8) Unfortunately, we are not always tuned into to His prompting, nor desire to be in sync with His will for our life.

He wants to reveal and stir up gifts, abilities and talents, so we are ready for the next season and can overcome the challenges that await at the next turn. God never gives us a desire to do something and then not empower and equip us to do it (see Philippians 4:13).

The possibilities we can see depend on how we see ourselves in the future (see Esther 4:14). God desires to do far more than we could ever imagine. He does this not by pushing us around but by working within us (see Ephesians 3:20). His Spirit will reveal our potential and He wants us to imagine the possibilities.

We are reminded in Matthew 19:26 that with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Ask God to give you a possibility mind set. Shift your focus on Him and trust in Him to bring it to pass (see Psalm 37:4-5).

Just imagine how great your future will be now that your perspective has shifted. Remember your focus determines your future!

Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish…--Proverbs 29:18 AMPC

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