Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words. —Proverbs 18:21 AMP
My husband Pat received great news yesterday when he visited the surgeon. He can start walking again, though it will be a process that requires baby steps, intentionally making time to walk on the foot a little at a time, over the next week he will eventually get the strength and confidence needed to walk naturally and this time without pain.
Watching him take these baby steps reminded me of my Zip-It Shut 40-Day Challenge by Karen Ehman. I have been both inspired and convicted with this challenge of intentionally guarding my lips and using my words with godly purposes. My husband will tell you it has been a process of making intentional baby steps with my words. I won’t lie, some days I do better than other days.
It is a daily struggle for me to not talk too much and to listen more when I meet people or to avoid work gossip by walking away and heading back to my office. This challenge has certainly made me more aware of the words I want to come out of my mouth.
I want my words to be a blessing, and not be critical. I want my words to bring encouragement, and not bring discouragement. I want to be a good listener and not interrupt others.
This one is a real challenge I am working to overcome. After keeping inventory of my words, I have decided this challenge of “not interrupting,” is also long overdue.
The Word of God is quite clear that “our words” …… are a powerful tool for good or for evil (see Proverbs 18:21)…when spoken at just the right moment they can be lovely to behold (see Proverbs 25:11)…have the power to transform lives (see Proverbs 18:4)… can cause life and health (see Proverbs 15:4) … bring honor to others (Ephesians 5:33)
Here’s my life motto, the truth I live by: I will guard my ways for all my days. I will speak only what is right, guarding what I speak.Psalm 39:1-2 TPT
How about you? Do you want to join me in a 40-day challenge to guard your words as well? BlessingsCindy Dennis1