They will know that we are HIS disciples by our _______________
Fill in the blank for yourself....
🖋by the way we yell or start arguments?
🖋by the way we belittle others and gossip?
🖋by the way we push down others to make ourselves look more important?
🖋by our grandiose sermons on Facebook?
🖋How we yell at another driver in the car all while having a “Jesus Saves” bumper sticker?
❌No to any of these!
They will know that we are HIS disciples how we LOVE
❤️Love means treating others the way you want to be treated
❤️love means letting our words give life and hope no matter what
❤️seeing a need and filling it with our gifts and talents- wanting nothing in return
❤️being quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger
❤️walking in love with everyone - everyone in the world is created in God’s image
Christ’s LOVE changes the world!
Pray that God will give you a loving heart and that you can walk in the shoes of a Jesus today- always humble and compassionate- helping up the broken and speaking life!
Read John 13:34 below and write notes and actions steps for this week