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Open the eyes of my heart Lord

Writer's picture: On Purpose On Purpose

Just before everything shut down in March due to COVID-19, I had my annual eye checkup. As promised, two weeks later I received a call to pick up the new eyeglass prescription. It was amazing how clearly; I could see through the new lenses. They were not only a new and improved prescription, but even more importantly, they were free of scratches that had made it nearly impossible to see clearly what was in front of me.

We read in the New Testament that many religious people, such as the Pharisees and Sadducees, failed to see clearly themselves. They looked through lenses that distorted their vision and prevented them from seeing Jesus as the promised Messiah, the Son of God, even though He worked miracles, wonders, and signs (see Acts 2:22).

Have you ever found yourself not seeing Jesus for who He really is because the lenses of your heart are distorting your vision? Your lenses might be scratched or clouded by your emotions, distractions and preconceived perspectives.

When we allow God to open the eyes of our heart, we find that our lenses are clearly able to see Jesus and better yet, see the people around us as Jesus does—without prejudice and judgment, with a heart full of compassion and grace. When we do this, we are able to see others for who they really are and respond as Jesus would. He would see their pain, loneliness, misery, and hopelessness even when it is not evident. He would look to the heart and see past the hurt and look to awaken and stir their potential, their wholeness, their unique gifts, talents and abilities (see 1 Samuel 16:7)

Godly compassion enables you to encounter deep emotion that moves you to action.

God wants us to see and understand people with His perspective, especially those who cross our paths every day.

Is it time for the eyes of your heart to have a checkup? Learning to see clearly is a journey. When we pray and seek Him, we embark on a journey of being changed on the inside. God can change the heart of a person. Change on the inside is God’s work and He’s good at it! (See Ezekiel 11:19)

Make it a point to have clean and clear lenses so your vision isn’t limited, so you can see Jesus and everyone around you, especially those you might normally overlook.

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