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Writer's pictureOn Purpose

The most ugly part of your story will be the most beautiful part of your testimony

None of our experiences will go to waste.

Your broken pieces create a new chapter of healing for someone else.

None of your tears are wasted- all have been seen and will water the soil of new life.

Welcome to the life of the narrow road- of the Upside Down Kingdom. Where rewards come from humility. Where to gain is to give up. Where to live is to die.

Jesus Christ, our pioneer, gave himself up for us- pouring out Himself as a sacrifice. Though He deserved all power, influence and fame- He gave up His rights for a life of poverty, anonymity, grace and being hated and despised.

Feeling poor? Great! The Kingdom belongs to you.

Feeling sad? God will comfort you, when you press into Him.

Feeling small and humiliated? Your blessing is coming!

Do you yearn to do the work of God and be seen? Don’t worry, God knows your heart, He is going to take care of you!

Did you display grace under pressure, mercy under fire and gentleness in the midst of an offensive situation? God’s mercy and gentleness will envelope your life.

Want to truly and honestly follow God with a pure heart and do good in this life with the unconditional Love of the Father- no matter what you get in return? You will see God’s hand all over your life and He will direct you in everything.

Are you constantly striving to being peace in your family, your work and school- even when no one else is? You are displaying the attitude of a true child of God.

Do you feel alone in your faith, unable to really share in fear of your job, your position or your community? But you do what you can to show light and pray wherever you go? The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to you.

Do people talk behind your back, slander you, smear your name and try to destroy your character? Be happy? Yes rejoice, because your reward is coming and God will set everything right someday- just hold on.

“So then, my dear friends, stand firm and steady. Keep busy always in your work for the Lord, since you know that nothing you do in the Lord's service is ever useless.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭15:58‬ ‭GNT‬‬

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