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Writer's pictureOn Purpose

Moving Forward

This past week I had an opportunity to touch base with someone I hadn’t heard from for over a year.

The last time we had talked she was going through a serious crisis and as we caught up on what had been happening in her life now. I could not help but marvel at the hand of God, how He helps all of us to keep moving forward.

She mentioned how the crisis in her life caused her to stop in her tracks and fall into a deep

depression. She was not motivated to get out of bed or take care of herself when the hopelessness and anger set in. Anger at life, at God, and everyone around her.

Today, the situation in her life has not changed, but her attitude has had a makeover. A few months ago, she decided to seek God and ask for His help. Slowly and purposely, one step at a time, she has begun to move forward with her life. And though the process was slow at first, finally she is beginning to see her perspective shift, energy and drive returning and a purpose for her life becoming clear.

Our conversation reminded me of the sign I see in my parking garage at work that says NO PARKING AT ANY TIME. We all need a sign like this to remind us to not park our lives when we are hurt, depressed and disappointment with no drive to move forward.

We must determine not to allow pain and disappointment cause us to “park” our life, our dreams and hopes. Instead, we need to move forward no matter how difficult it might become.

2 Corinthians 4:8 reminds us that quitting should not be an option when we experience difficulties and don’t know how to overcome those difficulties.

When failure or trouble comes, moving forward isn’t easy, but it is what God wants/needs from us. It is easy to quit and give up, but it takes determination to move forward when you are hurt and in pain. It may feel like you can’t take another step forward, but when you keep at it, tapping into God’s strength, you will eventually see that you are making progress and moving on with your life.

The apostle Paul is a great example of someone who kept moving forward no matter how difficult it became for him. Even though Paul was sent by God to share the good news to a lost world, he experienced a lot of opposition along the way. He was deadly snake bitten, beaten, stoned, shipwrecked, abandoned and imprisoned. Through it all, he never gave up and went on to write two- thirds of the New Testament.

Philippians 3:12-14 says he brought all his “energies to bear on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead.” We all have the same opportunity to overcome the challenges in our life. All it takes is a lot of determination and a trust in God to get you through.

God wants us to “press on—moving steadfastly forward along His path. Not looking back.” (see Psalm 17:5 VOICE) God is calling you move forward and get on with the life He has for you. With His help you don’t have to look back.

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